Design is a powerful means of communication. People of authority realize that , but are they using it to the people's advantage? are they communicating the right message? Do designers nowadays put themselves in other stalk holders' positions and view their design from different points?
First rule you learn in design school is before you start any design, you need to research. Research is the first and most important step of designing. It gives you an idea of the market your designing for in order to realize how they are going to view your work.
Designers nowadays have lost their ethics when it comes to culture sensitivity, and they go ahead and broadcast their message to the world without consideration. The Unilever " Fair and lovely" campaign for example raised a lot of rage because people took a negative message from it that the product is trying to say that fair skinned people are more beautiful than dark skinned people, which harmed the product's sales.
As designers we shouldn't take the fact that our work can be viewed broadly so lightly, we should be careful of the message that we want to send out , and the message that could be interpreted because we do have the power to speak out so we need to use it right.
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